The Relativity of Matter
IMPORTANT / To discover this installation in the best conditions, the entrance is limited. Please make a reservation. Click here
The installation (350m2) will be presented for the first time in France at Domaine de Kerguéhennec, on the first floor of the Chateau from 1 July - 4 November 2018.
For a whole year, Levi van Veluw has worked on The Relativity of Matter, an all-encompassing freestanding installation, to be placed in a building, a museum or an exhibition space. Once the doors close, the visitor enters into a maze of corridors, doors, atmospheres, perspectives and colours that challenge him in a sensory manner. In Marres House for Contemporary Culture, NL, the first location where it is shown, an area of 350m2 is transformed into an unrecognizable and atmospheric dreamscape.
The installation contains many of the elements that populated van Veluw’s previous works and also marks a shift in the work, which has evolved from a formal and material research into an exploration of the dark themes of fear, loneliness and loss of control. With The Relativity of Matter, van Veluw presents an all-encompassing scenographic experience that immerses the visitor in a world of disparate forms of expression.
The Relativity of Matter is a movable installation. At Marres, it is adapted to the shape of the 18th-century house, but in the next locations it can be equally well adapted to contemporary exhibition spaces, or classical museum galleries.
What there is to say, is that this reveals a very impressive level of artistry, that The Relativity of Matter is among the best there is to see this year in the Netherlands, and that I was stunned by its sheer vigour. De Groene Amsterdammer
The dark paint that covers everything in this entirely deserted universe is dusty and dull as if moon dust had settled on everything. Even if it cannot be otherworldly, with the desk and the cupboards and all, this is a very different universe, far removed from any reality, time or space. H-Art Magazine
Somewhere in the icy silence an air supply system can be heard, so quietly that it can be confused with the echo of your own bloodstream. An alienating force emanates from the room; the rhythm of all those bits of coal arranged on the shelves makes for an amazing image. Metropolis M
Once inside, the surprise is overwhelming. Van Veluw has remodelled the whole interior to his linking by turning it into a labyrinth of darkened hallways and dark rooms. Column Volkskrant
The spaces are somewhat reminiscent of abandoned movie sets. It is exciting to look around and the longer you stay, the more you get the feeling that you are hallucinating. De Telegraaf
The artist steps into a room that is covered from floor to ceiling with cabinets that have floating balls in them. The space is iridescent blue and his voice immediately changes into that of a robot – an unintended acoustic side effect of this total coverage. Reportage Volkskrant
Read here an interview with Levi van Veluw by Valentijn Byvanck (director Marres House for Contemporary Culture)
Watch video inside the installation
Watch virtual walkthrough