In the depths of memory

Exhibition video

Labyrinth of Memories Museum Singer Laren

What started out as a modest presentation in connection with the biennial Singer Prize, has grown into his first large-scale retrospective in a museum setting: Labyrinth of memories. In six galleries, visitors will be able to stroll through Van Veluw's astonishing oeuvre – a journey capped off by his newest installation, an ‘obsessive’ and room-filling finale.


Like much of Levi van Veluw’s work, the installations at Singer Laren are fully-staged ‘worlds’ that the viewer can enter. His work reflects tremendous power of imagination and is often made entirely by hand. It is therefore unsurprising that he is a favourite at Singer Laren. Museum director Jan Rudolph de Lorm: ‘Van Veluw’s work is unique and striking, in terms of both concept and execution. The end result displays a high degree of craft and refinement. We are extremely pleased to be devoting broad attention to this multidisciplinary artist in our fully renovated museum.

video made by Jaar & Dag Media