Tensioni strutturali #3 Florence
Tensionin strutturali / Metamorphic processes
curated by Angel Moya Garcia
Opening 22-09-2017
On show: installations
Tensionin strutturali is configured as a project divided into three exhibitions, autonomous and independent but interlinked with each other, focusing on the spaces of the gallery Eduardo Secci of Florence. Images in transition and elusive, unstable equilibrium in perpetual danger of collapse, geometries and spaces that multiply the possibilities of vision and perception, lights, shadows and lines that delineate the subtle difference between what is visible and what is invisible or illusory, founding acts of reality in which the devices become projection screens for the visitor or an analytical process in which strips the space making a summary of its intrinsic characteristics. A purpose of outlining through practices, poetics, methodologies and different visions space experiential reality.
Finally, in the third stage, a long metamorphic process analyzes the structural characteristics of the space, analyzing and highlighting the architectural contrasts, dismembering its parts breaking down all diversity to create a vision in which every single architectural component is isolated and highlighted in comparison to others. A need to carry out entropic processes that determine the becoming of everyday spaces.
Artists: Daniel Canogar, Baptiste Debombourg, Levi van Veluw, Zimoun