Momentum 9 Biennal Norway
Alien encounters and engagements
JUNE 17 – OCTOBER 11, 2017
Moss, Norway
The ninth edition of the Momentum Biennial takes the notion of alienation as its starting point. By alienation the curators refer to a contemporary world where alien processes and entities are becoming an integrated part of our lives through technological, ecological and social transformations. We encounter and engage with the alien every day. Alienation is our contemporary condition. While more information and modes of communication are available to us than ever before, it is not easier to make a sense of the whole. M9 addresses this confusion and insists on searching for new tools for greater understanding of human condition through cross-pollination of methods, categories and disciplines.
Curators: Ulrika Flink (SE), Ilari Laamanen (FI), Jacob Lillemose (DK), Gunhild Moe (NO), Jón B.K Ransu (IS)
Commissioner: Punkt Ø, Director Dag Aak Sveinar