Yip-art Photo auction
Sunday 13 October 2019 Young in Prison organizes the 9th edition of the YiPArt Photo Auction in Amsterdam. In the coming weeks we will keep you informed of the latest news about the auction, participating photographers and the donated artworks.
The largest photo auction for charity in the Netherlands returns: on the 13th of October 2019, over 80 artworks of both renowned photographers and upcoming talent will be on auction by Christie’s auctioneer Arno Verkade in CIRCL in Amsterdam. All proceeds go to the creative and sporting programs of Young in Prison (YiP) worldwide.
Download here the digital auction catalogue or vieuw all 82 artworks on here on our website. If you'd like to receive a free hard-copy please email to: yipart [at] younginprison.nl.
Wednesday 9 October 17:00 - 19:00 (invite only)
Viewing days: Thursday 10 & Friday 11 October, 09:00 - 21:00 (free entrance) Saturday 12 October, 10:00 - 17:00 (free entrance)
Auction:Sunday 13 October, 16:00 - 19:00, Doors open: 15:00
Location: CIRCL, an initiative of ABN AMRO, Gustav Mahlerplein 1B, 1082 MS Amsterdam