Scan Taragona, Spain
Talent LatentThe Talent Latent exhibition, to be held this coming autumn, will present a magnificent international showcase for emerging European artists previously selected by the exhibition organiser, Jesus Mico, who has reviewed the work of hundreds of European photographers thanks to the invaluable collaboration of the international specialists who helped set up the major database that is the backbone of the Talent Latent experience. The final selection offers an ample representation of the most important stylistic lines and thematic areas of European contemporary creative photography. These range from personal identity and the body to social condemnation and political reflection; from the autobiographical diary -internal and intimist- to classic reportage - exterior and exogenous; from captured photography -which freezes the occurrence and real flow of life- to constructed photography -staged, set up, fictionalised-; from photography that aims to be objective and neutral notarial to the unashamedly subjective -more evocative and narrative, paraliterary ; from photography verite to that which has been retouched; from the increasingly infrequent analogical photography to the already completely ubiquitous digital photography, etc.
The idea that the viewer would be able to begin an itinerary and transition fairly smoothly between the different genres and subjects presented is what has led to the final selection of these thirteen excellent artists.Artists: Toni Amengual (Spain), Rosa Basurto (Spain), Marc Beckmann (Germany), Tomas Correa (Spain), Cecile Decorniquet (France), Lucia Herrero (Spain), Anastasia Khoroshilova (Russia), Sabine Koe (Austria), Rafael Lafuente (Spain), Juan Carlos Martinez (Spain), Danae Panchaud (Switzerland), Oliver Roma (Spain) and Levi van Veluw (Holland). Curator: Jesus Mico Coordination: Josep Rigol Coordination for the Tarragona City Council: Jordi Abello and Joan Pons With the support of: ESPIMSA and Hewlett-Packard5 November 2010 - 9 January 2011 Inauguration Friday 5 November at 19.30Tuesday - Friday 16.00 - 21.00. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 11.00 - 14.00 16.00 - 21.00. Closed Christmas Day and New Year's Day.Mercat Central Placa Corsini, s/n Organised by: SCAN Tarragona Tel. 977 223 118 scantarragona [at] www.scan.tarragona.catEl Pais article